Hey Y'all!
I came at you a couple of days ago with what I thought was going to be a simple update on my life, and turned out to be a new resolution for me to attempt making all of the Disney Princess Costumes. I can't begin to tell you how excited I am to do this. Much like the other post, I'll express my obvious obsession with Disney, and then back it up with the way I want to follow through with this new series!!
So to begin: Don't you HATE it when you finally decide on a costume for Halloween or comicon (for those of you who go), and you search all over Pinterest, YouTube, and Google and all you can find are a bunch of gorgeous cosplayers and perfect pictures of their costumes and NO EXPLANATION OF HOW THEY MADE IT?!
Am I the only one?
Regardless, it frustrates me to no end. I spent weeks upon weeks looking for a pattern on how to make a simple Rapunzel dress, and the several more weeks looking for a simple explanation on how to make something remotely similar to Jane's yellow dress from the movie Tarzan. Both times I failed miserably to even come close to something that I could use to walk me through it, and I'm determined to change that for all those who struggle with the same problem.
OK finally I'm getting to my point. My point is that I am going to create a compilation of exactly how I make each of the Disney Princess Dresses. I want to make it as simple as I can while still getting that quality that we see in so many of those Pinterest pictures. And if I look as good as Traci Hines in the end of it all.... well that's my ultimate goal. Have you see that girl's dresses? They are amazing. Trust me, and look it up, it's worth it.
So I already made the first step to decide which of the original 14 princesses I should do first. What better way to decide than an Instagram poll? (probably 100234 better ways but who's really counting?) First I wrote each of the 14 Princesses on a post, and then I asked which of them everyone would like to see me do first. That lead me to pick the 6 most popular of the answers, which were these:

As you can see here Jasmine and Aroura were the two most popular answers so I narrowed It down to those two in this post:

And to my surprise Princess Aroura is the winner for the first round!! I'm pretty excited to start off with an OG princess, I was her for Halloween when I was 6 years old!
So I'm going to OFFICIALLY start my journey next week in November, and get ready for a heck of a ride. I decided to call this series "Bippity Bobbin" which I only now realize is probably a stupid name, but I'm for it.
If you want to follow along, Stay tuned here, and I'll post updates on videos and Progress as soon as I can.
You can always subscribe to this site to get notified when I post therefore you don't miss any updates I put out.
I hope this all works out, and I can help a little community of people who really love Disney, and have the desire to live with a little magic in their lives. (and GURL am I excited to put these finished dresses on and twirl in them all night long)
as always thanks for tuning in,