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The First of Many...

Krista Galke

Updated: Jan 10, 2020

Hello people,

Maybe this is just for the benefit of me and my eventual posterity, but I think that it is high time to officially begin on this journey of blogging, and expressing myself within the walls of what I hope to be many blog posts.

As cliche as I think this might sound, we are going to begin with an "about me" blog post. I hate that I love to read these so much. I get emotionally attached to people through "about me" posts. (and any/all videos about babies, veterans, and dogs.) So hopefully I'll keep you entertained enough to become emotionally attached to me. *Fingers Crossed*

Starting with the basics, my name is Krista Galke, I'm originally from Houston,

Texas, and I am married to the most amazing human on the planet. My cute husband Decker is a Pilot starting his carrier at Skywest this summer as a first officer. We are really excited to see where this takes us, and where we will end up in the next few years. His ultimate goal is to be a legacy airline pilot (Delta, Southwest, United...etc.) We were married in October 2017, and I'm loving every minute of my life with him. Seriously guys. he's a superstar.

I am currently 22 years old, and I love talking, eating, sleeping, getting dressed up, and laying in bed all day. Im a Sagittarius, Im terrified of Spiders, I don't think I could function without my mom's constant and perfect advice, and I'll never be afraid to admit it. As for the hopes and dreams, I have so many things I like to do. The most obvious is somewhat the inspiration for my blog. My life in theatre. I grew up preforming on and off stage. (literally I preformed in a junkyard once. it's honestly way too soon to talk about that.) I love to sing and dance, and I've worked professionally at a theatre near where I live for about a year now, occasionally taking breaks to get married and continue my schooling.

My Grandma Rachel Used to own a shop filled with beautiful costumes for rent in south east Texas. I've seen dozens of old recordings of my mom and her 6 siblings inviting people over just to dance and play in these incredible costumes. To be honest, it was one of the main reasons that I decided to teach myself, with the help of my mother, how to sew at the ripe age of 12. The Shop has since sold, and all the costumes are mostly gone, and have been donated to various theatre around the community, but the shop's name still pops up in family stories. "Backstage." I couldn't think of a more perfect name to call my little blog, and I think that it so perfectly fits my life. 'My life on and off the stage.' I hope to accomplish a lot of wonderful things with my blog. I'd like to push myself to grow as a seamstress, (mediocre) Actress, and person. But most especially keep the fun alive with constant post of me and my husband, our growing family, and all the adventures we find our selves on.

My Grandma in the Wizard of oz with my mama (top right) and 4 of her 7 siblings.

I've always been terrible at journal keeping. It's sometimes makes me sad that so many of the things that I did as a child are lost now except for the ones that my parents recorded. I am so grateful to have grown up in a family environment that was focused on the learning, and growth that kids need so badly in order to survive. Despite the perfect outlook, everyone has their struggles. Along with everyone I have more than I care to admit. In order for me to kick one of those struggles in the butt I want to follow the example of my parents, and in-laws and document my adventures through word and video. Honestly I think it's high time that I start that here and now, and I hope that you follow along with me whilst I do it.

Like I said in the beginning of the post, this is the first of many, and I'm dedicated to being with you till the end. Thanks for all of your love and support!

Here we go...




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© 2020 | Krista Galke

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